在此前的第620期和第644期会员通讯中,我们已经讨论过ChatGPT、Midjourney等“生成型AI(generative artificial intelligence)”可能给新闻业、社交媒体,乃至艺术行业带来的冲击和改变。今天的会员通讯,我们来关注这些AI工具给大学教育带来的挑战——这也是身为大学老师的我,最近思考很多的问题。
和以问答的方式生成内容的ChatGPT不同,LEX的工作模式是:你先写几句话,然后人工智能会自动续写。在课堂上,我先写了两句话:“Digital technology is quickly developing. Journalism can take advantage of technological progress. (数字技术正在快速发展。新闻业可以利用技术的进步。)”然后输入三个加号,AI就自动续写了接下来的内容:
There are many opportunities for journalism to leverage technology to create rich content, enhance storytelling, and improve the user experience in newsrooms. Here are a few ways that journalism can better use technology
1. Leverage news gathering tools: There are many tools available to journalists that can help automate the news gathering process. These tools can help journalists find relevant news and information faster than ever before, allowing them to focus their time on more creative tasks.
2. Use data to create more compelling stories: Journalists can use data analysis and visualization tools to uncover deeper insights and create compelling stories. This data can then be used to create interactive graphs, maps and other visualizations to help tell the story.
3. Design user-friendly websites: Journalists can use web design technologies like HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create attractive and user-friendly websites. These websites can be optimized for both desktop and mobile viewers to ensure that the content is accessible on any device.
4. Integrate multimedia: Multimedia elements like photographs, videos, audio recordings and animations can be used to enhance the storytelling process. Journalists can use tools like Adobe Creative Cloud to create multimedia content for their stories and share them across multiple digital platforms.
These are just a few ways that journalism can better use technology. There are many more opportunities for journalists to leverage digital technology to improve their work and reach a wider audience.
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